
We're wearing ball gowns at 8 in the morning

Just to give you a good mental picture of what is happening right now- I am sitting in bed holding Mason in an evening gown with spit up all over it. Whatever it takes to keep them both happy is my motto. Mason wanted to be held after eating, and Lexi insisted that I match her in my own beautiful gown. How could I tell that precious face no when she went into my closet and thought very long and hard about which dress would be suitable. I couldn't. So here I sit dressed in spit up and an evening gown. I should also note that Lexi is finishing off her breakfast of sprite and pomegranates. I feel like at her often very tough age of 3 1/2 we say no a whole lot more than yes. I also feel like it's important to occasionally say yes. Say yes to sprite. Or chocolate. Or whatever. Life is too short to worry about a sprite and a chocolate cookie every now and then.

So yesterday was a total blast. It was almost 80 degrees outside and sunny, so naturally we went to the pool! Our very first pool day of the year and Mason's first trip to Nana's house. Lexi was in Heaven swimming in the hot tub. Mason loved being outside. We played and swam all afternoon. Such a breath of fresh air (literally!) to get out of the house.

Sweet Mason did great again last night, by the way. He ate at 11:30, 2:30, and then not again until 7:15. He is seriously the most perfect little angel. His disposition is so incredible. He's sweet and cuddly and calm. It's funny to me that Lexi is so full of personality. She's firey, knows exactly what she wants, energetic, opinionated, and dramatic. She's a little me. So far, Mason is much more of an observer. Very aware and taking it all in. His little personality is just so gentle and chill. He's a little Brandon. Girls will be girls and boys will be boys, I suppose.

Well, Lexi just spilled her sprite on the carpet, so I'm off. Maybe saying yes to the sugar wasn't such a good idea after all?? Ha!

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