
So here's what I want to write- "I'm tired. The end."

Consider everything else from this point on a real treat.

Seriously, I'm so tired. Mason was doing great eating more and sleeping longer, but it seems we have somehow messed up his progress and started going backwards. He got up to eat every other hour last night. And he's eating so much! I have no idea how this tiny nugget boy can eat so much and so often. He's lucky he's so dang cute!

Last week was pretty awesome. I can't remember where I left off, but we were busy. I think I left off somewhere around Thursday. Dad, Beth, and Izabelle came in town and stayed with us Thursday and Friday night. The girls played so good together. It was so cute to see them together again! Chip also came in town Friday, so we all went out to dinner. It was Masons's first big outing. He slept most of the time, and so far seems to not have caught any crazy germs. I was nervous, but it definitely went better than Lexi's first outing as a newborn. (I cried at the table and we had to leave.) Saturday the bunch left, and Mason and I headed to Zoe's for a girls lunch to meet my best friends baby JW. He's a cutie, and seeing Erin and the girls is always lots of fun. I was happy they all got to love on Chunky Monkey too. Clearly Mason and JW will be BFF's, so it was an important meeting. :) Sunday we mainly relaxed. Uncle Cookie came back over, but a little sushi and tv was all that happened. That catches us up to yesterday. Brandon was up all night long with Monkey, so he took a sick day to recover. Granny and Granddaddy came in town and got Lexi for the day. They played in Tuscaloosa, and I'm sure had a blast! Brandon and I layed around all day. He started to feel better as the day went on, and it ended up being pretty awesome just the 3 of us. Mason has never had that alone time. Turns out he doesn't like it too much. He missed his sister to the point that we had to play videos of her on our phones to keep him from crying. I absolutely adore their bond. It's so strong already. I wouldn't want it any other way. It really makes me so happy to know they will always have each other.

Alright so that's enough for now. Lexi is pulling her "I need to poop" trick to get up from nap. Off to handle that. Love u all. Peace.

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