
Just the highlights... & then our Chunky Monkey made his debut! 💙

Well, here we go again. Baby Mason is here, and so the blog must resume. I see that my last blog entry was July 2013. Ouch. Sorry. Let me go back and do a little filling in.

August and September continued much the same as the previous summer months- lots of sickness, gallbladder issues, and pure misery. Finally sometime toward the end of September (around 22 or so weeks) I started to get a little relief. A trip to Disney World, a visit with Dad and fam, Lexi's THIRD (wow) birthday party at the pumpkin patch, trick or treating as Aurora, & a wonderful Thanksgiving rounded out the fall.

Christmas was the best ever! Lexi is now old enough to get into Santa and presents and building gingerbread villages (yes, we made a village) and The Grinch and everything else that goes with being young at Christmas. Probably our favorite moment was taking Lexi on the North Pole Express train ride. Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves joined us for a train ride with hot chocolate and muffins. This is definitely a new tradition for the Rhoton family. Christmas Eve we spent with JuJu and family. Lexi loved playing with sweet Lucy, and we all had a great time. Christmas Day was awesome, too. Santa was a big hit with tons of smiles and laughing and building of new toys. Nana had the toy of the year- the new rideable 3 ft horse that Lexi chose to name Angus. Angus is still her very favorite! We finished the day with the usual trip to Granny's house which is always amazing. All in all a wonderful Christmas season! Our last Christmas a family of 3 could not have been more perfect, and for that I will forever be grateful.

We ended the year with the flu. Not joking. After several days of feeling crappy with fevers I took a trip to the doc in the box while Brandon took Lexi to her pediatrician. Both of us tested positive for the flu. We rang in the new year in a tough way.

Brandon's 32nd birthday came, as did our 5 year engagement anniversary. We spent both working on the new baby's nursery.

Around February 9th or 10th I started having labor pains. Baby wasn't due until the 17th and we were supposed to induce on the 13th, but my body felt ready now. We were sure on the morning of the 11th that he was on his way. Brandon was home for lunch when we decided to call the doctor. They confirmed that it sounded like labor and asked us to come in immediately. Nana picked up Lexi and off we went ready to have a baby! Problem was that I wasn't actually in labor. I was shocked to hear the doctor say those words because I was feeling some pretty awful pains. A few tests later we determined that I had a developed a kidney stone. Yep, 2 days shy of my induction I had developed a kidney stone. So far the pregnancy had consisted of losing almost 25 pounds with awful gallbladder pains, a trip to the ER with random severe pains in Orlando, the flu, 3 snow and ice storms in the last month & now kidney stones. Unreal. Since we were set to induce in 2 days the doctor sent me home with pain medicine, and said to call when I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I was determined to make it to the 13th so that my doctor could deliver. On the 12th came the last of the ice storms, so Brandon and I were forced to stay in the hotel across form the hospital in case driving was not an option. A huge, beautiful snow storm hit us directly, but we were comfortable knowing getting to the hospital would be no problem.

We checked into labor and delivery at 5am on the 13th. Turns out I was actually in labor already. My body was very slowly laboring on its own. I was already 3 cm dilated and well thinned. We made it to 5 cm before getting the epidural. The next several hours went easy as we waited on my body to get to 10cm. We watched Unsolved Mysteries and Lets Make a Deal like it was just another day. At 3pm Dr. Mckenzie announced it was time to push. He left us to push and said he would be back when baby was ready to come out. Two pushes and 1 minute later the nurse called him back in. There was literally a moment where the nurse pushed the baby back in and asked Brandon to keep his hands out just in case while she prepared the doctors area for delivery. Dr. Mac came running back in and 2 more pushes later out came our little man.

Mason David Rhoton was born at 3:15pm weighing 8 lbs and 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He was the definition of perfection! Love at first sight!!!

..... Ok so I hate to end here BUT my babies need me. Ha!!! Lex wants to plays "cashier" and Mason is hungry. Ill pick up where I left off next time.

Peace & Love,

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