
Geeeez! I have been trying to write a blog for 3 days now and for some reason the site wouldn't let me. Glad it's back working now.

Well, we finally have a good health report. As of my last post, I thought we were well. We were not. Lexi had come down with a stomach virus. Brandon and I both got it after her. Poor Nana got it too. No one was safe from this thing. And it lasted and lasted and lasted. On the bright side, we did lose a few pounds. Lex is still grabbing her ear a little here and there, but overall we are GREAT! Yay!!

Due to our sicknesses we had to cancel our visit with Leigh and Bill. I was so excited to see them! We were really sad that we couldn't make it work, but we're planning another visit soon.

I have no idea what Lent is about or why people even do it. I'm clearly not Catholic. I do think, however, that it is a fantastic idea to give up something for a period of time. We get so caught up thinking we couldn't survive without Internet, or fried foods, or television, or whatever for that matter. I decided for Lent that I would give up sodas, fried foods, and Asian food. These are 3 of my very favorite things. I had a coke yesterday and also ate some French fries. Clearly that did not last. Oh well. It was a nice thought. Maybe I'll try again.

A huge Congratulations is in order for my oldest friend Katie! On Wednesday afternoon she and her hubby welcomed into the world a beautiful baby girl named Piper Leigh. Mom and baby are doing wonderful, and from the looks of the pictures Piper is absolutely perfect! I am off to kiss all over the little bundle of joy at lunch today. I can't wait!!! <3

Lex has a new total obsession with everything Tinker Bell. We recorded Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy Rescue on the DVR a few weeks back. We had no idea how this would change our lives. Now EVERYTHING is Tinker Bell. We own all of the Tinker Bell movies, and they stay on repeat. Brandon got Lexi the whole fairy pack that comes with each of the dolls and clothes. Lexi also now has added several Tinker Bell outfits to her wardrobe. She loves everything fairy! Even her dang sippy cup is a Tinker Bell cup. She refuses to drink out of any of the other cups. Only Tinker Bell for this girl! :)

We are constantly in awe of Lexi. She is picking up a new word every single day. She also seems to really be maturing. I know that sounds crazy to say about a one year old, but that's how I feel. Some of her baby tendencies are slowly fading away. Of course it breaks my heart. She is starting to do things that kids do rather than things that babies do. I know I'm supposed to be proud of her, and I am, but I just wish she could stay my baby forever.

On a little side note, Lex has been to the park twice this week. Both times she did not want to swing! I could hardly believe it! She is now wayyyy too busy to sit in one place and swing. The cool thing now is the slide. She wants to do it over and over and over and over again. It definitely becomes a work out! Lol! She has absolutely no fear and occasionally instead of sliding down on her booty, she will attempt to dive down the slide head first. You definitely have to stay on your toes around the slide with that munchkin.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope everybody has a great weekend! We have a 3 year old birthday party to attend and house cleaning to be done. Should be a nice, relaxing weekend for us! Love you all. -L

P.S.-51 days til Disneyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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