
Eternally Blessed

This weekend was pretty normal for us.

On Friday, Lex and I met Brandon at a little meat and three place very close to our house. Lexi must have been hungry, because she ate more than I have seen her eat in a long time! She had a whole order of green beans, a corn dog, fried okra, mac n cheese, cranberry sauce, and a roll. I think Railroad Cafe might be her new favorite. I would like to note that my sweet husband freaked me the hell out by informing at this dinner that the man who just got acquitted for killing his wife, Gabe somebody or other, lives in the neighborhood adjacent to ours. Nice. I get that he was acquitted and all, but that still freaks me out. No thank you.

Saturday we relaxed in the morning, and then got dressed to go to my boss' daughter's 3rd birthday party. We decided to stop at Walmart on the way. Somehow when we were leaving, I left my wallet and keys in the buggy. I didn't realize it was gone until we were already across town, and by the time we got back to Walmart it was gone. Of course no one turned it in, so we spent the next little bit turning off all of my credit cards. Fortunately no one had used them yet. I lost my license, credit cards, house key, and office keys. Unbelievable. So so frustrating. I suppose on my lunch break I'll be heading off to the courthouse to get a new license. AHH!!!! Brandon stayed at the house while me and Lex went on the birthday party. We were only an hour and a half late at that point. :( Oh well. Accidents happen, I suppose. After the party we met Brandon up at one of our favorite Mexican places for a MUCH needed margarita and dinner. That margarita did ease my pain a little. Haha! As the night rolled on we started to realize that whoever has my wallet has our address and a key to the front door. They could obviously easily break in. We set the alarm and tried to go to bed. We were so uneasy though that we decided to pack up and go to Nana's house to spend the night. Brandon kept saying, "Better safe than sorry. They can take the stuff, but I am not risking you and Lexi's safety." So off to Nana's we went. It turned out to be a pretty amazing trip. The bed she has in Lexi's room is A-MA-ZING! We literally laughed out loud to each other when we crawled in. Lexi woke up pretty early. Nana must have heard her, because she came running upstairs to get her. Brandon and I got to go back to sleep and ended up not waking up again until almost 8:30! That NEVER happens!!! If we're still asleep at 7am we are thrilled! The 8 o'clock hour is unheard of! We mosied on downstairs and were welcomed with a fresh, hot breakfast coming off the stove! This trip was almost worth losing my stuff! LOL! We all ate a delicious breakfast and then went outside to play for a while. We finished our coffee by the lake while we watched Lex run around. It seriously felt like we had gone to a bed and breakfast for the night and had taken a nanny with us! :) Sometime mid-morning we headed back home and got straight to replacing the locks on our house.

Sunday night we went over to Grandma JuJu's house for dinner. She had a bunch of yummy appetizers prepared, and Camden even came by to eat too! It's always good to see sweet Camden! It had been way too long!

I am in a fantastic mood today, because I got some really great news at work. Nothing to report yet, but the future is sure looking good! :)

Lexi is in full blown teething mode right now. She has several teeth in the back of her mouth about to pop through. Poor baby is really not doing so hot. I pray that these teeth hurry up and come through. I hate to see her hurt.

I guess that's about it for now. Overall, life is great. End of story. I look at where I am today, and I am so happy. Nothing about my life or about me is perfect. However, it is exactly what I need it to be. I have a beautiful daughter, a loving husband, incredible family, great place for Lex to go to school, a wonderful job, great home, and so much more to be thankful for. I am eternally blessed, and I know it. Thank you Lord for continuing to shower me with blessings. That's all I can really say. Hope everyone has a great day! Much Love!

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