
From Victims to Champions

It still brings me to tears every time I see footage of the tornado that struck Tuscaloosa in April of 2011. My heart breaks every time I see that massive funnel traveling directly through the streets of a town I love so much. It reminds me how incredibly fortunate we are every day that Chip and the rest of our family are safe. My body literally aches for the people who are still trying to pick up the pieces. Then I think that in a town so dedicated to football it is nothing short of miraculous that the University of Alabama walked away with a national championship this year. I'm sure people all around the country laugh at the fact that a college football national championship would bring a smile to someone who has faced such tragedy. That's the way it is here in Alabama, though. We live football. We live Alabama. So like I said, in the wake of this tragedy it is nothing short of miraculous that Alabama took home number 14. There were definitely a few extra angels watching over our boys this year. I caught a video on YouTube that pretty much sums up the story of it all. From Victims to Champions. Enjoy. And try not to boohoo the entire time like I did... ROLL TIDE AND GOD BLESS!


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