
Parties, Dinners, and Lots of Shopping for Us

Gah, it's been a while....

I think we have been the busiest people alive for the last couple of weeks. Let's see... what all have we been up to?

Last Monday night was Brandon's work Christmas party. It's always really nice. Cafe Iz hosted, and we went home with a $25 gift card and an adorable Christmas blanket. Nice!

We have been shopping several times since I last updated. First with Granny, then Judy. Lexi is going to have the biggest Christmas ever in the history of Christmases (sp?). She is SO spoiled!!! I love it! She deserves every bit of it. Santa must know that Lexi has been a really good girl this year! :)

Friday night we went out for the first time in a lonnnnng time. Our friends Devin and Demetrius met us at Chuy's at the Summit. It was so fun laughing and joking about our little girls! We love them to death. I can't wait for our next outing. Maybe this time we will leave the Daddies with the babies and just the Mommies could go out?? ;)

Congratulations to Katie and Eric on the addition of their precious new baby girl, Emily Ann!! We left Lex at school a little longer yesterday and ran up to the hospital to see her. She is absolutely perfect! Ahh, holding that precious tiny thing was so wonderful. It is impossible for me to look at such an incredible creation and not be in total awe. I can't wait until we are at the point where we are ready to have another one. We're definitely not there yet, but I so look forward to the whole experience again. It's simply magical.

Christmas is exactly 11 days away!!! O M G!!! Crazy! Being the A+ star mom that I am, I have ZERO gifts bought. Being the A+ star dad that Brandon is, our Christmas decorations are still not up outside. Oh well, we will get it all done somehow. :)

Perfect Puzzle Preschool is still planning for their big move. The date is set for January 23rd. No place is totally in stone yet. I stay up all night long praying that it will all work out. This is one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. No exaggeration. If you're not a mom, you won't understand. If you are, I know you completely understand.

We are off to get Lexi's picture with Santa either tonight or tomorrow night. I can't wait to see how she reacts. She was so young last year that she didn't even realize what was going on. She loved the Easter Bunny at 5 months old, so maybe she will love Santa too. I sure hope so. We need a cute picture to add to the mantel.

That's about all for now.

Wise words of the day:
"...the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.” -SATC

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm, I love the you you love, even though I haven't talked to you in 927 years!! Even after I left you a guilt sticken voicemail and still haven't heard back from you. It's ok, I stil love you!! Miss you guys lots and hope y'all are enjoying the season with Lex. She is getting cuter and cuter by the day and I love it when you post pics. The Santa pic is GREAT, I'm sure you had some jealous parents giving you the stare down while their kids were hysterical. ha! love and miss you and hope we can talk befoe the new year. P.S. That's in less than 2 weeks so call your bestie!
