
Thanksgiving Feasts and Funny New Tricks

It's been a minute (or two) since I blogged. We were sick. Sorry peeps.

We're well now, though. We thought we were getting better several times, and then at least one of us would drop back into the world of snot, vomit, or coughs. It was as terribly nasty as it sounds. Anyway, I think we are actually all through it now. Knock on wood.

Thanksgiving was wonderful last week! We had a delicious lunch at Mom's house with the Maze side of the family. Mom went all out on the food, and it was every bit of what you wait for all year long. We left straight from her house and went to Judy's house for another yummy meal. Lexi absolutely LOVED her Thanksgiving food. I should have known that a holiday that revolves around eating would be Lexi's dream come true. I fear that she will like Thanksgiving more than her birthday and even Christmas! That kid sure loves to eat!

Seeing as how Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, I feel now is the perfect time to address the Black Friday shoppers. You people are out of your ever-loving mind!!!! What is God's name would possess any sane person to get up in the middle of the night to literally fight psycho old women for merchandise??? There is no amount of money that would make me participate in such an event. I get that the usually 99 dollar toy train engine is now on sale for the very low price of 39 dollars. I really do get it. Still. I would MUCH rather go to work for the extra hours to earn that 60 dollar difference. To each his own I suppose...

Saturday was the Iron Bowl!!!! As predicted, Bama whooped that ass! Sorry Auburn, y'alls 15 minutes are up. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!

It was back to work work work this week. It was almost nice to get back into our normal rhythm again. Between all the craziness in the last few weeks, I have actually missed my boring 8-5 routine. There is something to be said for the predictable. There really is.

I must mention 2 things that Lexi has started doing recently.

First, she has begun shaking her head "no". It is so funny to us! We are constantly trying to give her things that we know she doesn't want just so we can see her shake her head at us. Of course as her parents we think it is the cutest thing ever.

Second, she has begun to imitate us blowing our nose. Being sick for so long, I suppose she caught on to us blowing our nose every 5 seconds. The only thing is that she doesn't realize we are blowing our nose. She thinks that we are licking the tissue. Now, any napkin or tissue that she sees, she licks. Kids really do the darndest things. It makes us crack up every time.

This video captures both of her latest tricks.

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