
Our 1st Trip to Children's Hospital :(

More sad news... I swear my blogs are really starting to get depressing!

Sunday afternoon Lexi threw up all morning. We worried for a little bit, but by lunch she seemed back to her normal self. So, we carried on as usual.

Monday she was fine.

Tuesday she was very fussy, so we started to get a little nervous.

Wednesday morning she woke up with vomit all over her and her bed. I took her to the doctor, and he suspected that she had caught a cold and the extra mucus was making her sick. I had to go on to work, so B stayed home with her the rest of the day. She continued to get sick all day long. By late afternoon I grew suspicious that this amount of throw up was not normal for any type of cold. I called the nurse back, and she said in retrospect that she believed Lex had a stomach bug. She advised that she may continue to be sick a little, but by the evening her vomiting should subside. It did not. She continued to be sick all night long. Every blanket in our house needed a gooooooood washing before morning.

By sunrise on Thursday morning we became more and more concerned with Lexi's hydration levels. Anyone that has a baby knows that it is extremely dangerous for a young one to become dehydrated. I called the nurse again at her pediatricians office. Given her symptoms, they were concerned as well, and sent us on to the Children's Hospital emergency room.
Side note: Children's Hospital is amazing! They are so friendly, attentive, smart, and loving. A-MA-ZING!
When we got to the ER, they took us back immediately. She was very dehydrated. Instead of giving babies IV packs, they now give them a dose of Zofran and then slowly introduce Gatorade through a syringe. Lexi started this regiment that lasted several hours. They were concerned about a couple of other things, so they took xrays and ran several tests on her. All the tests came back normal. Whew. Finally sometime late in the afternoon, we got to go home. Lexi's coloring still wasn't great, and she was clearly still not feeling well. However, her hydration levels were up, so we were allowed to go. Final diagnosis- a BAD case of the stomach flu.
Here we are Friday, and we are still not out of the woods. We were instructed to take her back to her primary doctor today for him to get another look at her. We are hoping for improvement. She seems to be feeling a teeny tiny bit better. She is still very lethargic and puny, but at least she did smile when I sang to her this morning. Brandon and I are both back at work, so Grandma is taking care of her and making sure she gets to the doctor. I will update as soon as I know.

Thank you so much to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. It is so hard to watch your baby suffer like that, but we are so grateful that she will soon be back to her peppy, cheerful, adorable self.

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