
A perfect bond

It's been a good week. I can't remember a lot of the details because my mind has one track right now. All I can focus one writing is the precious, most adorable moment that happened tonight.

We (I) decided to let Mason go to Nana's house for a little while tonight. Heart wrenching, but I have got to figure out how to leave Chunky at some point. The worst. Anyway, when he got home Brandon pulled him out of the carseat. We were expecting a sweet smile or cuddle from our Love bug. Instead he screamed bloody murder. I ran over secretly thrilled that clearly my sweet baby had missed his mom so much that he couldn't stand one more second out of my arms. I swept him away from Brandon. My heart sank when he screamed even louder. What?? For the next ten minutes we tried the bottle, paci, blankets, swing, and anything else we could think of. Nothing would calm him down. I ran to the back of the house to grab something and heard Lexi's sweet little voice coming from the bed where she was supposed to be sleeping. I cracked the door and asked her why she was awake. She had heard Mason and wanted to come tell him welcome home. I figured why not. As soon as we got into the den Mason locked eyes with her and immediately stopped crying. She hugged him, and he literally sighed with relief. Brandon and I locked eyes, both amazed at what we were watching. Brandon leaned back away from Lexi and sure enough, Mason screamed again. Every time she would touch him or talk to him in any way, he was smiling and happy. It was the sweetest bond I have ever seen. I am amazed that in 9 short weeks they have developed such a deep love for each other. I am sure that Mason missed Brandon and I, but it wasn't until he was with Lexi that he felt back at home. So beautiful. I am so grateful that they will always have each other.  Those two souls are so gorgeous.

Good night everyone. Happy Easter!

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