
We're back!

Hiiiiiiiiiiii everyone!!

Im baaaaaack.

I just spent the last hour reading old posts. It made me so happy to look back and remember all the wonderful little details that I would have otherwise forgotten. So, I have decided to pick the blog back up. I originally said that my goal would be for the first year of each baby's life I would do a blog. I went well further than a year with Lex, and looking back I am so thankful that I did.

Baby #2 won't be here until early 2014, but I figured I would go ahead and start back. I can't promise my entries will be more than "I am nauseous constantly.", but I will certainly try my best to focus more on the positive.

So to update you on the Rhotons lately--

Lexi is now a full blown kid. No more baby. She's all big girl now. I do miss her being a tiny little angel, but I absolutely adore her personality and seeing her become a little person. She is the most personable, hilarious, beautiful, witty, loving girl ever. For a while we were sure that she would eventually hit her "terrible twos", but not this girl. She's continued to be the easiest, sweetest little addition, and we are eternally grateful!!!

Brandon and I were very excited on Monday to get to lay eyes on Baby #2 for the first time (via sonogram, of course). Dr. Mac set the due date for Feb. 17th, which makes me about 7 weeks prego. So far this pregnancy has been the complete opposite of my first. I suppose that's how it goes. Prayers that it gets better would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway, hope everyone has a nice 4th of July! God bless America!

Love love!

1 comment:

  1. Wooooohooooooo!!!!! You know I LOVE this!!! :):):):):)
